EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 8, Issue 1, Published on 30, June 2022
Pages: 22-27
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Hematological and molecular finding of Trypanosoma evansi in buffaloes of North Gujarat
Author: J. G. Patel, B. I. Prajapati, R. S. Parmar, S. H. Raval, R. L. Patel, S. S. Patel, B. J. Patel, D. V. Joshi, K. M. Solanki, S. P. Modh, D. S. Patel
Category: Research Article
Trypanosoma evansi is definitely one of the most common pathogenic trypanosomes in all over the world, obviously infecting domestic and wild animals. Before it contributes to even more economic losses, a fast and confirmatory early diagnosis is a must to curb the spread and development of the disease. The current study was aimed to identify Trypanosoma spp. in buffalo blood by blood smear analysis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as well as comparison of these two methods. This investigation was performed on 475 buffaloes with anaemia, recurrent fever, muscular weakness and loss of appetite. Out of 475 blood samples, 57 were found anaemic (Hb<8.5) through haematological examination. Wet, thin and thick blood smears as well as buffy coat smear examination and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were performed on 57 blood samples to detect trypanosoma. Analysis of blood smears well as buffy coat smear(s) revealed that 5 (8.77 %) samples were found positive for Trypanosoma, while polymerase chain reaction analysis determined the infection in 20 (35.09 %) out of 57 animals.
Keywords: buffalo, hematology, Trypanosoma evansi, PCR
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.31783/elsr.2022.812227