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<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd">
      <JournalTitle>Emergent Life Sciences Research</JournalTitle>
      <PISSN>2395-6658 (</PISSN>
      <EISSN>) 2395-664X (Print)</EISSN>
      <Volume-Issue>Vol 8, Issue 2, Published on 31</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>December 2022</Season>
      <ArticleType>Research Article</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Heterosis and character association studies in CMS Hybrids of FCV tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum L.)</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>Flue Cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum L.) is a promising commercial crop in semi-arid and rain-fed areas delivering economic benefits to farmers in comparison to all other crops cultivated. In India, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka are the major states cultivating FCV tobacco. In Karnataka, it is cultivated in Karnataka Light Soils (KLS) covering southern transitional zone during kharif season as a rainfed crop. Currently, Kanchan, FCH-222 and CH-3 are the popular cultivars grown in KLS region. Release of improved high yielding varieties/hybrids is the key for varietal diversification and yield enhancement of tobacco in this region. In this connection, commercial exploitation of F1 hybrids through heterosis breeding can play a significant role in enhancing yield and quality. Further very few reports on studies on standard heterosis in FCV Tobacco are available. Hence, the present study involving eight CMS hybrids was undertaken to estimate standard heterosis for yield and yield related traits, and to ascertain interrelationships among the yield related characters and their influence on cured leaf yield. Eight CMS based hybrids (CMS2×A4, CMS6×A4, CMS7×A4, CMS10×A4, CMS2×CY142, CMS6×CY142, CMS7×CY142, CMS10×CY14) were evaluated at ICAR- CTRI, Research Station, Hunsur, Karnataka, India along with checks for three years (2018-21). Significant higher heterosis in desirable direction for cured leaf yield and for various yield attributing characters was observed among the hybrids, which can be exploited commercially. Four promising CMS hybrids were identified, CMS7 × A4; CMS6 × A4; CMS10 × A4 and CMS2 × CY142 which recorded significant positive heterosis for cured leaf, can enhance the productivity limit set by present cultivars and would be the components for varietal diversification under KLS. Positive significant associations were noticed between plant height and number of leaves per plant, and intermodal length. The study revealed direct positive effect of plant height on cured leaf and negative indirect effect of number of leaves, intermodal length and leaf area suggesting that these characters should be judiciously selected for achieving higher yield.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>character association, CMS Hybrids, FCV tobacco, heterosis</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://emergentresearch.org/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=14106&amp;title=Heterosis and character association studies in CMS Hybrids of FCV tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum L.)</Abstract>