Life Sciences Research

(An International Journal)


Pages: 260-264

Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001

Sunburn and fruit cracking in Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) cv. ‘Rose Scented’

Author: Narayan Lal, Abhay Kumar, S. D. Pandey

Category: Short Communication

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Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is originally from southern China, but due to its higher adoptability and profitability, it is being cultivated in India. In India, litchi is harvested and sold during April-May and fruits have nutritional and economical values. Litchi cv. __ampersandsign#39;Rose Scented__ampersandsign#39; is highly preferred in India for its taste, but sunburn and fruit cracking are a major drawback for its cultivation. Studies were conducted to quantify the severity of sunburn and incidence of fruit cracking. Fruits first affected by sunburn and burnt outer skin or peel or cuticle part, later turned into cracking. So sunburn acted as a predisposition to fruit cracking in ‘Rose Scented’. Thus, sun burn and cracking can be seen in the same fruit. These types (cracked fruit with sunburn) of fruits were 8.26%, 19.58% and 43.25% in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. Lower thickness of cuticle and spongy layer and higher temperature of fruit surface in burnt and cracked fruit may be accountable for fruit burning and cracking. A close correlation was observed between sunburn, cracking and weather situation over two months. A positive relationship was found between maximum temperature, sunburn and fruit cracking.

Keywords: fruit cracking, fruit surface temperature, litchi, sunburn