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EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 7, Issue 1, Published on 30, June 2021

Pages: 56-62
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Biochar role in the sustainability and management of soil

Author: Akansha Singh, Abhishek Singh, Vishnu Rajput, Vipin Kumar, B. P. Dhyani, U. P. Shahi

Category: Review Article


Agriculture is the most active ecological system in the world where the losses are more than the gains. The soils under agriculture are more exhausted and are having a lower organic matter due to continuous loss than the soils of other ecological systems. The solution for this frequent loss of organic matter can be biochar. The biochar acts as a rich source of organic matter to these soils and acts as a long-term reservoir of carbon. There are three functions of biochar for which its use has been highly promoted over the last few years which includes mitigating climate change by carbon sequestration into the soils, enhancing crop yields, and improving soil structure and functions. It can be produced from various agricultural by-products at different temperatures through the pyrolysis method. The study of biochar properties and the characterization of their effect on soil properties must be done. The methods like Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTIR), Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), etc are to be used for the physical identification of biochar. Other properties of biochar and its influence on various soil components and properties like pH, EC, organic carbon, etc. under its long-term field usage will be discussed in this review.

Keywords: biochar, pyrolysis, Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), agriculture, carbon sequestration