EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 8, Issue 2, Published on 31, December 2022
Pages: 64-71
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Periodic changes in carbon and nitrogen in Vertisols under organic, inorganic, and integrated nutrient management
Author: V. V. Gabhane, A. S. Ghare, P. R. Ramteke
Category: Research Article
An experiment with seven treatments and three replications was established in a completely randomized design to assess the effect of gliricidia green leaf manuring on the mineralization of nitrogen and carbon in the soil during kharif 2014-15 in Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth’s Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Akola. The seven treatments comprised absolute control, two treatments of sole chemical fertilizers, two treatments of sole organics, and two treatments of integrated application of chemical fertilizers and gliricidia green leaves. The periodical (15 days interval) mineralization of nitrogen in the form of ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen and carbon in the form of organic carbon and permanganate oxidizable carbon in soil were studied. The results indicate that the higher mineralization of nitrogen and carbon was recorded up to 45 days of incubation and it declined at subsequent (60 and 75 days) intervals, indicating that more than 60% of mineralization took place up to 45 days of incubation. Further, the higher mineralization of nitrogen and carbon was observed with the application of 50% RDN(Gl) + 50% N(Inorg) + 100% P + 25 kg K ha-1 (T7), followed by 50% RDN(Gl) + 50% N(Inorg) + 100% P (T6) and 100% NPK(T3).
Keywords: carbon, gliricidia, mineralization, nitrogen, periodic change
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.31783/elsr.2022.826471