EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 8, Issue 2, Published on 31, December 2022
Pages: 168-177
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Alleviating malnutrition with biofortified wheat: past, present status and future challenges
Author: Vikas Verma, Vinay Prakash Bagde, Deepak Saran, R. S. Shukla
Category: Review Article
Wheat is a major field crop grown worldwide and plays a critical role in handling aspects of malnutrition and hidden hunger through biofortified varieties of wheat crops, especially in the cereal-based community. Many initiatives were started by FAO and WHO, also the UN sustainable development goal to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030. In this review, with the same idea of alleviating malnutrition with biofortification, especially in staple crops like wheat. Here we try to present before the reader, the past and present status of biofortified wheat and its varieties, also future challenges, along with its role in tackling malnutrition. This review will provide you the insight idea about all the aspects of biofortified wheat, to provide food security to the ever-increasing population.
Keywords: biofortification, malnutrition, wheat, zero hunger
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.31783/elsr.2022.82168177