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EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 9, Issue 1, Published on 30, June 2023

Pages: 10-21
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Sweet corn crop yield response to aerated drip irrigation under various irrigation water management strategies

Author: P. H. Rank, R. M. Satasiya, B. B. Limbasiya, H. V. Parmar, G. V. Prajapati

Category: Research Article


In the era of decreasing irrigation water availabilities, the focus must be on decreasing crop production water footprints. The various irrigation water management like deficit irrigation, fertigation, and mulching along with MIS can help reduce water footprints. However, the effects of aerated drip irrigation on sweet corn performance under various options of irrigation water management are not yet examined elsewhere. So, it was assessed through field experiments for 2 years during the winter season of the year 2020-21 and 2021-22 at the research farm of the Junagadh Agricultural University campus at Junagadh having a soil texture of clay loam. Two air injection rates i.e. 0 and 12 % by volume of irrigation flow rate was imposed on 16 different treatment combinations of 2 irrigation levels (deficit irrigation-0.7 ETc and full irrigation-1.0 ETc {Crop Evapotranspiration}), 2 fertigation levels (deficit fertigation-0.7 RDF and full fertigation-1.0 RDF {Recommended Dose of Fertilizer}), 2 drip system type (surface drip and subsurface drip) and 2 mulch levels (mulch and no mulch). The aerated irrigation effects on the production of fresh cob yield were found different under various options of irrigation water management. Overall, on average, sweet corn cob yield increased by 8.94% due to aerated irrigation as compared to non-aerated and the results were found significant. The adoption of aerated subsurface drip irrigation under mulch with irrigation/fertigation scheduling at 1.0 ETc/1.0 RDF would result in higher yield if adopted by farmers, in other words, the yield increase of fresh cob would be almost twice as compared to traditional practices with benefit cost ratio (B/C) as 3.01 for aerated treatment and 2.78 for non-aerated treatment for subsurface drip irrigation under mulch with irrigation/fertigation scheduling at 1.0 ETc/1.0 RDF.

Keywords: aerated irrigation, deficit irrigation, fertigation, mulch, surface drip, sweet corn cob