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EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 2 Issue 2, Published on 31, December 2016

Pages: 59-62
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Land Use Change Analysis of Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala Using GIS and Remote Sensing Methods

Author: Vijayasoorya A., Smitha Asok V., Rajesh Reghunath

Category: Research Article


The Western Ghats is one of the world's 18 hotspots of biodiversity and forest communities that have a vital role in maintaining a balanced eco-system of the world. The Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary located on the Western slopes of the Western Ghats along the South East corner of Kerala in India was selected as the study area owing to its diversified wealth of floral characteristics specifically at the landscape level. The present study was carried out using an integrated approach employing Remote Sensing and GIS techniques for land cover change analysis. The aim of the study was to quantify and map forest cover change in term of land use change during 2001-2015. Land sat 8 images (8 bands), Survey of India toposheets and Google earth images were used for visual interpretation of the land cover classes. The most notable land use categories obtained were evergreen forest, water body, mixed jungle, scrub land and barren land/rocky areas. The study revealed that there is a net decrease in the forest cover during 2001 to 2015.

Keywords: change detection technique, GIS, India, land use change, remote sensing, unsupervised classification