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EMERGENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH - Vol 6, Issue 1, Published on 30, June 2020

Pages: 56-63
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Effect of rainfall on productivity of cotton

Author: P. A. Pandya, S. M. Ghosiya, V. H. Pithiya, S. P. Dudhatra

Category: Research Article


India ranks first among the rainfed countries in the world in terms of area with 60% of total net sown area, but counts amongst the lowest in rainfed yields (<1 ton/ha). Rainfall is the most important climatic parameter which influences the growth characteristics of crops [1]. Singh et al. [2] reported that moisture is the most limiting factor for crop production in semi-arid region, the greatest risk to crop yields in Indian Agriculture is attributed to the variability of seasonal rainfall. Ajayi et al., [3] stated that rainfall is undoubtedly a determining agro-meteorological factor in the crop production. Cotton is one of the most important fiber and cash crop of India and plays a dominant role in the industrial and agricultural economy of the country. Cotton accounts more than 70 % of the raw fiber used by the world textile industry and handlooms; hence it is also called “King of fibers” [4].

However, national average yield of cotton 415 kg/ha is way behind the top countries. Which implies that there is huge scope of exploring the cotton productivity potential in India. It is not only the total amount of rainfall but also the distribution of rainfall within the crop period is important. Sultan et al., [5] reported that for cotton, drier regions were most sensitive to climate variability. Gwimbi and Mundoga [6] revealed that significant rainfall deficits at critical stages of crop growth have frequently led to a serious shortfall in crop production. High rainfall could result in over saturation and water logging which had adverse effect on cotton growth and development [7].

Keywords: rainfall variability, cotton productivity, standard meteorological correlation, regression