Life Sciences Research

(An International Journal)


Pages: 59-63

Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001

Genetics of fertility restoration in A1 Cytoplasmic Genetic Male Sterility (CGMS) systems in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)

Author: Gopal W. Narkhede, Shivaji P. Mehtre, Niranjan R. Thakur, Krishnananda P. Ingle, Vinutha K. S., Santosh P. Deshpande

Category: Research Article

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The cause of Cytoplasmic Genetic Male Sterility (CGMS) is specific nuclear and mitochondrial interactions. Almost all commercial sorghum hybrids were developed using the A1 cytoplasmic genetic male sterility system. Understanding the inheritance of fertility restoration in sorghum for A1 cytoplasm, for example, can improve the selection efficiency of restorer lines for increased seed production. In a cross of male sterile line 296A with A1 cytoplasm and restorer lines comprised of a set of Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs), the inheritance pattern of fertility restoration of sorghum was studied. The F1 hybrid was completely fertile, revealing the dominant nature of fertility restoration, which is controlled by one or two major genes with modifiers. In this study, the genetics of fertility restoration of the A1 cytoplasmic nuclear male sterility system (CGMS) in sorghum were investigated in segregating F2 and BC1 populations of A1 cytoplasm crosses. Fertility restoration was governed by a monogenic inheritance (3F:1S) mechanism represented by a single dominant gene responsible for fertility restoration in all of the crosses studied.

Keywords: A1 cytoplasm, CGMS, fertility restoration, genetics, hybrid sorghum