Life Sciences Research

(An International Journal)


Pages: 111-119

Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001

Bioefficacy of different insecticides against pomegranate insect pests and their impact on natural enemies

Author: C. Satyanarayana, A. M. Nadaf, Siddanna Thoke

Category: Research Article

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A field experiment was conducted during rabi 2021-22 and 2022-23 at Horticulture Research and Extension Centre, Vijayapur, Karnataka, India, to evaluate the bioefficacy of different insecticides against pomegranate insect pests and their impact on natural enemies. During 2021-22, Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD @ 70 g.a.i/ha recorded significantly lowest population of aphids (10.42 and 1.91 per 5cm twig), and thrips (6.33 and 1.22 per 5cm twig) at 7 days after imposition of treatment during first and second spray, respectively. Further, Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD @ 70g.a.i/ha recorded the lowest fruit damage (6.67%) by pomegranate fruit borer and the highest damage reduction over control (84.53%) on fruits. Imidacloprid 17.8 % SL @ 71.8 g.a.i/ha was next best with higher population reduction over control in different pests viz., aphids (91.89%), thrips (91.24%). However, Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @ 220g.a.i/ha recorded lower fruit damage (7.11%) and higher reduction over control (83.51%). Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD @ 70 g.a.i/ha was also found to be safer for natural enemies. At harvest, Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD @ 70 g.a.i/ha recorded the highest yield (13.21 t/ha), followed by, Imidacloprid 17.8 % SL @ 71.8 g.a.i/ha (12.97 t/ha). A similar trend was observed during 2022-23 for pest control and the impact of different insecticides on natural enemies.

Keywords: aphids, insecticides, predators, thrips