Pages: 52-61
Date of Publication: 30-Nov--0001
Effect of subsurface drip irrigation depth scheduling in summer Okra
Author: H. R. Vadar, P. A. Pandya, R. J. Patel
Category: Research Article
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A study was conducted on how different emitter rates with subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) affected the moisture distribution in clay loam soil of the coastal belt of Gujarat. The crop field experiments were conducted on summer okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench.) with 4 Lh-1 emitter rate (during 2013-14 and 2014-15) in sandy clay loam soil of KVK farm, JAU, Porbandar, Gujarat to assess the optimum irrigation regime and the depth of emission based on the yield performance. The experiment was executed with three irrigation regimes (0.6, 0.8 and 01.0 IW/ CPE) and different depth of lateral placements (0, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 m below the soil surface. The data of green pod yield with applied water was recorded during the experiment and subjected to split-plot design for analysis. It was found that significantly higher yield (15.46 Tha-1) was obtained with 1.0 IW/ CPE level than other irrigation regimes. Pod yield in 15 cm depths of SDI laterals was found significantly higher than that under other lateral depths. The water use efficiency (25.01 kg/ ha-mm) was also higher with 0.15 m placement depth of lateral. The trend line of the production function of emission depth (yield –emitter depth) is fitted in the quadratic form (R2=0.636). If the depth at which okra yield was found to be maximum taken as the correct depth for placement of drip tape in the soil that is 0.15 m. However, the optimum value of depth of emitter placement is computed using the production function of depth and it is found to be 0.119 m for maximum production.
Keywords: okra yield, optimum emitter depth, production function, subsurface drip irrigation, water use efficiency